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And the sun shined upon a wonderful day.
It was an historic day on Sunday and we now have in place a beautifuly simple but very striking memorial that will be a talking and pilgrimage point for many generations.
The whole day was truly memorable. Commandos young and old expressed to me their pride and pleasure at the nature of the monument.
And judging by the photos that were taken of singles and groups everybody was proud to be assosiated with it.
Geoff Murray and others had worked tirelessly to bring the event to fruition and they all deserve our applause.
As he flies back to AFG I say stay safe Geoff and we look forward to your speedy return.
Best regards
Hello Steph
This may be of some help.
In the past I have viewd the archives of the National Army Museum in Chelsea Barracks in the UK.
I remember the No 4 Cdo archive in their posession was very thourough with list of names and various other bits of info.
I remember also that there was a D-Day map of Lord Lovats there.
Maybe Sydney Smallman will be listed in his troop there.
You have to get a readers's not a problem they are very helpful.
When I viewed the Archive I found my fathers signature on the back of his troop photo No 4 troop No1 Cdo.
It's worth a go anyway. Best of Luck
Hi Patsy
Yes Greenhill was a hill that covered the road to Tunis together with Bald Hill and Suger Loaf. No 1 cdo and No 6 Cdo were both present at Greenhill during the Torch landings and the actions that took place after. Greenhill had a dreaded reputation as many patrols and troops were ambushed.....the Germans had it well covered and because of the topography it seemed to be invincible.
hope this helps a bit.
wonder if you can tell me anything of my father's history.
He was (the late) Thomas Peter Hill
DOB Sept 10, 1913.
Enlisted October 1938, Territorial Essex Regiment.
Unit VI Commando, 5th Essex Regiment
attached to the 78th Division.
POW June 43 - May 45, Italy and Germany.
(Captured Feb 29, 1943 Tunis.)
The only information that I have is from a General Questionaire for British Ex Prisoners of War, completed May 14, 1945.
Thank you in advance.
Alban C. Goddard-Hill
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Posted for Alban by John M
Hi Christine
With the information you have given I think this puts your father
in No 1 Cdo or No 6 Cdo as these were both in the 'Torch' landings in N/Africa.
Also No 6 earlier had been at Vaagso Norway. However in the earlier Independent companies personel from No1 had also been in Norway. No 1Cdo was formed with men from this earlier formation.
Men were often posted between Commando units and seconded for their specialist skills.
Soorry to seem to be confusing but it's all deduction really.........if we could throw light on the later part of his service things may come into focus.
Anyone out there to help here?
Best regards
John M
Hi Ron
Thanks for the names. It's a super shot really quite emotional.
looking forward to Alrewas
John M
Thanks Bob & Janet
I look forward to shaking both of your hands in FW in November.
It will be a pleasure and an honour.
Best regards
John M
What a Great Picture our late president is second left on the left.
Scotty (Chairman& No 3 Cdo) is in there and Harry Winch (No1 CDo)can anyone else name the others?
John M
I am wondering if you might be able to help me, or if not, to put me in touch with someone who might be able to. My father, George Brooker, 1924 - 1984, served in the Royal Marine Commandos during World War II. I remembered that he served in the raid on Walcheren (or possibly the clean-up ops. afterwards). He was badly wounded following that operation and finally returned to England. In 1965, he took my mother, my brother and me to visit the graveyard on Walcheren where his batman and other Commandos were buried. I should very much appreciate any information on his war service. Thank you in advance. Jacqueline Brooker Armor.
Posted for Jackie by John M
Nice One admin!!
United we Conquer!!
All say Aye
Hi Ron
It's nice to get a photo that relates to your Dad. When I got some with my Dad in I was taken a back first just realising yep it really is him.
Anyway just a thought could your photo be of 1/5 Cdo and not just 5Cdo? I beleive they merged around that time.
My point being that some of the names in it maybe former No 1 Cdos so you could approach No1 guys as well to try and throw some light on it.
Good luck and best regards
John M
A most fitting gesture............thanks for that.
John M
That seems to be a great idea Stephen
Send it through to admin and see what he can do.
John M
Great Idea Geoff
My Order too is on its way
Stay Safe
John M
Thanks Geoff
I hope all is well with you )
I will do some spade work on this idea and try and sort something out on prices etc.
Hope to see you in June.
Keep your head down :shock:
John m