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Messages posted by: John M
Forum Index » Profile for John M » Messages posted by John M
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Rest in Peace Joe
Terrible disrespect shown by the perpetrators......

Lets hope they are caught.
Great photo Linda.


John M
We will remeber them .
Great photo's Alison thanks for posting.

Thanks Pete for organizing into their Archive locations.

Great set


John M

I am saddened to inform you that Alrewas Commando Memorial Designer Norris Pickford passed away peacefully this morning.

Norris was my uncle and a great friend to our family.

Norris served in Egypt with the REME before being demobbed into civilian life where he became an Engineer.

When asked to get involved with the Alrewas project he took the opportunity with great delight.

When time became short he rolled his sleeves up and helped Tim McKerrith the blacksmith to fabricate the memorial.

Tim also served the REME so they got along really well.

Norris? passing leaves a huge hole in our families life...he leaves Rose his wife, who is also in a Nursing home at present , and his son Alan.

May he rest in peace.

Hello Letty
Sam has Peters service record in her keeping.

What we gleaned from the record on Sams visit to me is now on this site.

This site only records the record of the soldiers time in the commandos. In Peters case this was for a two month period with No 2 Commando.

However the Service record of Peters will record his entire military service with other units etc ..wounds ...promotions....medals .....

So to get the full picture you would need to view the service record.

So in short all I know of Peters Commando service is on this site and I know nothing else regarding other info on him.

Sorry not to be able to give any more advice.

Best regards

John M
Hi Letty
Would you like me to let Sam know you wish to contact her?

Best Regards
John M
Hello Letty

Welcome to our forums.

My first contact with info about Derek was with Sam Jarram.

Do you know Sam?

Best Regards

John M
Thanks Bill your continued support is much appreciated.

Best regards

John M
Its great to see we are still getting 15000 + users for this Archive site per month.
This reflects the work of Pete Rogers who's contribution to Commando Veterans Archive is unstinting.

Thanks Pete from all the old originals.....and from me and Dan..

The Original Commando history lives on .....thanks.

John and Dan

Hello Kegbuster

There is a book written by Ian Dear '10 Commando'

Link to the book below.

I highly recommend it ..a good read.

Best regards

John M
I am saddened to hear of the passing of Graham Cooper.

Graham very quietly made a massive contribution to this archive over the last decade.

Graham provided excellent research contributing to the Nominal Rolls and other lists.

Graham, unselfishly, also supported and provided other researchers and members with answers and sources of information to help them.

A very great loss.

My condolences and sympathy to his wife Sandi and all of Grahams friends and family.

God speed Graham and thanks.
Hello and welcome to the CVA forums.

Have you accessed the info on this site that we hold on 42 RM Commando?

As a starting point here is a link to it:

Have a read through and please post any further queries you may have.

Best Regards

John M
Thanks Kevin........and the same for you and yours.

John M
Forum Index » Profile for John M » Messages posted by John M
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