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Forum Index » Looking for Information Individuals
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Jackie Birtles
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Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Thanks Craig, I did try looking at the gallery pics, but when I zoom in, they distort even more and everyone starts looking the same. Lol. I also noticed the difference in my Dad in the 4 yrs he was in there. Literally from a boy to a man, so have to look twice to see what face I?m looking for. I would?ve thought there would be a list somewhere that noted all of the people who signed up on each unit?? I did find one list, but he want on it. :( I now have my Dad?s death certificate and can submit the paperwork by Friday. :)
craig summerhill
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Joined: 11/01/2013 00:08:04
Messages: 236
Location: Wales

Hi Jackie.

I have checked the nominal rolls for all the units that hold records, no sign. However not all records are maintained and recorded from then, if you click on the photo it should enlarge.

I?m sure you?ll find the result.
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Jackie Birtles
Forum Member

Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Hi Craig,

I checked the photo, I didn't recognise him on it. I just submitted the request for his records. The wait time is up to 12 months now, but it's done. Thank you so much for all of your help, it is so appreciated. I have 12 months now to keep searching lol. My Dad would have absolutely loved this site.

Thanks again to everyone who offered their help. I will post more and also see if anyone else has any more pics and I will post.

thanks! :)
Jackie Birtles
Forum Member

Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Hi Craig,

I checked the photo, I didn't recognise him on it. I just submitted the request for his records. The wait time is up to 12 months now, but it's done. Thank you so much for all of your help, it is so appreciated. I have 12 months now to keep searching lol. My Dad would have absolutely loved this site.

Thanks again to everyone who offered their help. I will post more and also see if anyone else has any more pics and I will post.

thanks! :)
craig summerhill
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Joined: 11/01/2013 00:08:04
Messages: 236
Location: Wales

You?re welcome.

Any other info post and I?ll see what I can dig up.

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Jackie Birtles
Forum Member

Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Will do, thank you :)
Jackie Birtles
Forum Member

Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Hi Craig, I found another pic of what I am assuming was a friend of my Dad's. When I zoomed in on his sleeve it looked like a 3 pronged vertical fork - prongs at the top ( as if you were to stand a fork on it's handle). Does that mean anything? Pertain to a certain unit, do you know?
craig summerhill
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Joined: 11/01/2013 00:08:04
Messages: 236
Location: Wales

Gold trident fork on a red shield 116 infantry brigade Royal Marines. Not commando but gave a good account in there short history.
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Jackie Birtles
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Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Could it be possible he was in that unit before becoming a commando?? There is a guy, on this sight named Albert ?Taffy? John. I?m wondering if that?s the ?Taffy? my Dad knew. The pic I posted with him and another person, could possibly be Taffy? It?s like finding a needle in a haystack. :( I joined the Forces war site as well, and there was no record of him on there either? So strange??
Phil Boot
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Joined: 14/03/2020 20:57:29
Messages: 31

Hi Jackie

Have a look at my post,l posted a very similar picture of my dad as in your first picture.
My dad also had the insigna of the upside down trident on his arm of the 116 brigade.
You might find out some more information when you finally get the records.

Jackie Birtles
Forum Member

Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Thanks Phil, I will take a look. I guess I just need to be patient and wait for his records. :)
craig summerhill
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Joined: 11/01/2013 00:08:04
Messages: 236
Location: Wales

Jackie they came after commando units formed. Great history though.
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Jackie Birtles
Forum Member

Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Ok, thanks Craig, not sure if he was in them. I just noticed it on the arm of a photo that we have of his friend I am assuming. I feel like I have seen the face of everyone serving in ww2 lol! Gonna need stronger glasses!! Haha it
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Jackie Birtles wrote:... :( I joined the Forces war site as well, and there was no record of him on there either? So strange??

I'm sorry that you wasted your time and money by joining the Forces War Records or, indeed, any other commercial, online, genealogy sites looking for WWII records... Despite their dubious and misleading claims, they do not have WWII service records.
The MoD is the ONLY custodian of WWII service records and you can apply to the MoD for a scan of his records...


Nick Collins,

Commando Association Historical Archivist & Photographer.

Proud son of Cpl Mick Collins, 5 Troop, No5 Cdo

"Truly we may say of them, when shall their glory fade?"

Jackie Birtles
Forum Member

Joined: 01/05/2019 14:09:35
Messages: 41

Thanks Nic, I applied for his records last week from MOD, there?s a 12 month waitlist, so was trying to see if I could at least find his unit while I wait. My sister is going to look to see if she has anything on him. :)
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