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The Liberation of Walcheren  XML
Forum Index » Wartime Commando Operations and Raids
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Joined: 10/04/2007 22:56:27
Messages: 3327
Location: Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire

Nick Collins,

Commando Association Historical Archivist & Photographer.

Proud son of Cpl Mick Collins, 5 Troop, No5 Cdo

"Truly we may say of them, when shall their glory fade?"

Mark Smith
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Joined: 28/01/2009 20:57:22
Messages: 26
Location: Cambridge

Really interesting film. My great uncle Harold plank was killed at Walcheren.
CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4673

It seems appropriate this week to bring the above document written for the 60th anniversary back to the attention of everyone on the 70th anniversary. Some of our members are in Holland and remembering those who never made the journey back home. Bill Harvey is out there remembering his own Dad, but will be back in time for Fort William at the weekend.

Another items of interest : Report on Flushing

All this week is the 70th anniversary of the raid. I posted this in a previous message but it is worth repeating:

In Memory of all who lost their lives including the following (if you see an omission please post their details or contact me):

No.4 Commando unless stated otherwise

Lieutenant Nicholas Barrass
Lance Sergeant Alfred Walker
Private Henry Donkin
Private Maurice Gourong, 1 Bn de Fusiliers Marins attd No.4 Commando
Gunner Bill Harvey
Gunner Edward Hill
Private Owen Hooper
Private Pierre Laux
Lance Corporal Jean Monceau, 1 Bn de Fusiliers Marins attd No.4 Commando
Lance Corporal Jean Montean, 1 Bn de Fusiliers Marins attd No.4 Commando
Private Jean Nevin, 1 Bn de Fusiliers Marins attd No.4 Commando
Corporal Yvan Ruppe, 1 Bn de Fusiliers Marins attd No.4 Commando
Private John Stoddart

No. 10(IA) Commando

Lieutenant Adolphe Meny, 4 troop
Corporal Francois Dive, 4 troop
Corporal Ola Christopherson, 5 troop
Private Lars Hovstad, 5 troop
Private Sverre Rosland, 5 troop
Private Lief Larsen, 5 troop
Corporal Salo Weich , 3 troop, served as Robert Hamilton

HQ 4 Special Service Brigade

Lieutenant William Layman, South African Artillery attd. RM Commandos
Lieutenant Gordon McKenzie, South African Armoured Corps, attd. RM Commandos
Marine John Hughes

41RM Commando

Major Paddy Brind-Sheridan
Captain Peter Haydon DSO
Lieutenant John Holmes
Marine John Barnes
Marine William Cooke
Marine John Hay
Sergeant Herbert Heywood
Marine Reginald John
Marine Byron Moses
Marine Robert Nicholson (dow 13/1/45)
Marine Henry Page
Marine John Read
Marine John Robertson
Corporal Charles Smith
Marine Reginald Smith

47RM Commando

Lieutenant Norman Hayward
Lieutenant Michael Style
Lance Corporal Joseph Buchanan
Sergeant Reginald Brehme
Marine Albert Davies
Marine James Day
Marine Martin Derrick
Marine Andrew Duke
Corporal Edward Evans
Marine Joseph Fawcett
Marine Denis Fee
Marine Joe Flannagan
Lance Corporal William Fletcher
Lance Corporal Maurice Grimsdell
Marine Ronald Hubbard
Lance Corporal Edward Lawton
Marine Alan Longden
Marine Duncan McGregor
Marine James Muir
Lance Corporal Francis Nicholl
Marine Kenneth Patey
Marine Harry Payne
Marine Robert Pettit
Company Sergeant Major Harold Plank
Sergeant John Puddick
Segeant Robert Rackham
Corporal Charles Ripiner
Company Sergeant Major William Spear
Corporal Kenneth Teed
Marine Albert Thatcher
Marine Anthony Turner
Corporal James Unsworth
Sergeant Robert Webb
Marine George Wilson

48RM Commando

Major Derek De Stacpoole
Captain Noel Godkin
Captain Roderick McKenzie MC
Lieutenant Cyril Lindrea
Lieutenant Walter England, South African Tank Corps, attd. 48RM Commando
Lieutenant David Winser, RAMC attd 48RM Commando
Marine William Bean
Private Walter Branch, RAMC attd. 48RM Commando
Private William Brown, RAMC attd. 48RM Commando
Marine Norman Burgess
Sergeant Anthony Davis
Lance Corporal Dennis Fogg
Marine Robert Gibbs
Marine Leslie Haines
Marine Harold Hughes
Marine Kenneth Jordan
Corporal James Law
Marine James McArthur
Marine Alfred Mee
Sergeant Harold Peace
Marine Frederick Potter
Marine William Sage
Marine Lawrence Samwell
Marine Cyril Savage
Marine Philip Shears
Corporal Ernest Shrigley
Marine Colin Skelland
Marine Kenneth Stephens
Corporal Thomas Steventon
Marine Philip Titmuss
Marine Norman Wall
Marine Charles Ware

We will Remember them

And let us not forget all those who were severely wounded with life changing injuries that would affect them and their families for the rest of their lives.

Lest we forget

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 19/08/2019 16:44:03

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
Bill Harvey
Forum Member

Joined: 07/07/2007 22:24:35
Messages: 716
Location: Dunbeg Argyll

Flushing 2014 the 70th commemoration

On Friday 31 October we met in the bar at Hotel Piccard Badhuisstreet Vlissingen to get to know each other and have a refreshment. Relatives were there representing the Royal Engineers, 4th / 5th King's Own Scottish Borders, 7th / 9th Royal Scots (two veterans Major Joe Brown and Sergeant Jack Hall), Mountain Gunners, French No 4 Army Commando (one veteran Rene Rossey), British No 4 Army Commando (one veteran Marine Patrick Churchill) and our Dutch supporters who helped us so much in the planning to mention four Jochem and Ruben Schmetz, Ad Tramper and Hans Koeman. We even had a Captain there from the Royal Artilleray and were joined at various stages over the few days by those representing Royal Marine Commandos and Dutch Kommandos.
Saturday 1 November - Many of you will know that my Father Gunner Bill Harvey of No 4 Commando was killed in action on 1 November 1944 the 70th anniversary of his death on that Saturday was going going to be an emotional day. Jochem Schmetz and Ron de Bruyne (Ron sadly died 6 years ago) had led me to where he was killed in action coming out of Nieuwstraat going into Bellamypark that is where he saved his best friends life Gunner Alex MacAulay of No 4. Alex only had a rifle and Dad having a heavier weapon said he would go first and was machine gunned. It was to my great surprise when walking over Bellamypark that Linda (Ron's widow), who is a Dutch piper, started to lead me and Jochem?s children going in front waving the Scottish saltire flags. Over eighty people Dutch, French and British were assembled at Nieuwstraat and Bellamypark. Jochem had been planning for over a year and he had managed to get permission and put up a plaque in Nieuwstaat in memory of my Dad and where he had been killed in action. Jochem, Burgomaster of Vlissingen Ms Letty Demmers and Marine Patrick Churchill of No 4 Army Commando gave speeches and a very emotional me was asked to unveil the plaque. In a short speech I thanked all gathered there but also felt that it was in memory of all the men who fought to liberate Flushing 70 years ago especially remembering the Loyal Dutch who had been killed during the war. At the bottom of the plaque was a scripture John 15: 13 "No greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends." From there we went to the Vlissingen Archive where Ad Tramper, the Vlissingen archivist, and Jochem Schmetz have put together a look at Vlissingen films and photos with a cup of tea or coffee and some cake. As special guests were invited to a reception and in the Aresenaltheatercafe followed by a lunch. We proceeded to the new Commemoration area at Uncle Beach which the Vlissingen Council had decided to place there much to our delight. The Burgomaster of Vlissingen Ms Letty Demmers welcomed us and Marine Patrick Churchill and Rene Rossey of No 4 Army Commando opened the new Commemoration area at Uncle Beach. There was an act of Rememberance and a one minutes silence followed by the playing of the National Anthems of France, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Wreaths were laid by the Burgomaster, the commissioner of the King, the ambassadors. the commanding officer of the Korps Kommando Troops and on behalf of the all ranks of the 155th Infantry Brigade. A wreath was then brought ashore from a Navy Tug followed by fly past by a Spitfire. Landing Dukw's with commandos. The Burgomaster of Vlissingen thanked the hugh crowd for attending. We looked in the new museum in the windmill before doing a WW2 walk through Vlissingen guided by Jochem and Ruben Schmetz following where the men of No 4 Army Commando fought and died.
Sunday 2 November - We all assembled at the Ferry Terminal Vlissingen to go to Breskins and back on the foot ferry following the route which was taken by the LCAs. We stayed on and managed to get up to the bridge. Ruben Schmetz was our guide and gave us a talk at the other end with relatives of the KOSBs giving a talk of their relatives action in Flushing. We all attended the Commemoration / Liberation concert in St. Jacobskerk at Vlissingen. During the concert Maarten Peters sung this song he had written after visiting a WW2 cametery "Here rests a man a young, young man, In this field of broken dreams, far from home he paid the price, So we could know what freedom means." "In the distance I hear the world, Life is lived as it's meant to be, Here in the quietness makes it clear, Unfinished life speaks silently, Here rests a man a young, young man, In this field of broken dreams." "Thousands of names.. Have come here to stay.. We'll cherish their memories They won't fade away." "Beneath the cross of Sacrifice, Rest those who fought in darkest nights, This band of heroes make us see, That nothing is for granted for you and me, Here rests a man a young, young man. In this field of broken dreams, Here rests a man a young, young man, In this field of broken dreams." This touched our hearts thank you Maarten.
Monday 3 November - Commemoration Flushing - Opening by master of ceremonie Hans Koeman followed by a speech by Burgomaster of Vlissingen Ms Letty Demmers. Unveiling of French monument by Dominique Kieffer, daughter of Phillippe Kieffer (commanding officer French No 4 Army Commandos) and the French Ambassador. Act of Rememberance and the Exhortation proposed by a veteran followed by one minute of silence. Playing of the National Anthems of France, Great Britain, Canada and the Netherlands. Wreath laying including the Commando wreaths. Lament, played by piper of Inter Scaldis Pipes and Drums. Tour along the monuments on renewed commemoration boulevard. After the commemorations a reception in the Arsenaltheatercafe with coffee and aperitif. Following the reception at Arsenaaltheatrecafe a trip to remember the fallen at Bergen Op Zoom (British) and Kapelle (French) was made by the French and British relatives of No 4 Army Commando including Marine Patrick Churchill with Hans Koeman, Stephane Saint Martin, Jochem Schmetz and Linda de Bruyne piper and Robert Hekhuis drummer from Inter Scaldis Pipes and Drums. Dominique Kieffer and I led this at Bergen op Zoom with the names of all who were killed in action being read and also the names of all No 4 Commandos who were killed in action in the Netherlands. The Commando Prayer was read. A minutes silence was observed, Patrick Churchill laid the Commando wreath and gave the exhortation. Lament was played by Linda Rememerance crosses were placed on all the Army Commando graves. At Kapelle this was repeated Dominique Kieffer leading in French and the names of all French Commandos were read and crosses placed on the two French Commandos buried there. Rememberance crosses were given out for the French relatives to take home to put on the graves of their Fathers.
We will remember them.
Bill Harvey

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 19/08/2019 16:44:15

Bill Harvey
Son of Gunner Bill Harvey No4 Commando who was killed in action on 1 November 1944 when liberating Flushing. "Their deeds shall live from age to age. They've writ their name on History's page. Upheld their glorious heritage. The Fighting Fourth Commando."
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