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Wolfgang Münzer  XML
Forum Index » Looking for Information Individuals
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Joined: 09/11/2024 21:55:06
Messages: 1

Hi there.

Does anyone recognise the name Wolfgang Munzer or Wolfgang Peter Sanders

He was my paternal grandfather, who fled Berlin along with my grandmother in 1932/3. He was interned on the Isle of Mann for six or so months, but on release joined the army.

Over the past couple of years we have gone through the process of getting german citizenship which meant getting hold of his war records which were heavily redacted.

I spoke to the academic who consulted on the BBC series and he didn't recognise the name, but I was working with an Army Colonel who suggested he might have been an interpreter with the Commandos. The reason the file hasn't been redacted is probably to do with original records being lost somewhere.

Just wondered if anyone has any ideas.

Thank you.

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