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5387712 Sjt Albert Edward Swadling  XML
Forum Index » Looking for Information Individuals
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Ian Berry
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Joined: 18/07/2024 18:27:08
Messages: 6
Location: Sandhurst

Hi guys.

This is an initial enquiry regarding the grandfather of a good friend who has asked me (being ex Army) if I can try to gather together some information for him.

It relates to 5387712 Sjt Albert Edward Swadling born 9th Oct 1919
Called up 20th Oct 1939
Initially with Ox & Bucks LI

His disbandment document details the following:
This NCO joined up on the outbreak of war and saw service in France - After Dunkerque he volunteered for Commando Service, joined the Special Raiding Section with which he operated on the French and Norwegian coasts. In 43 he went to Italy & Sicily. He also landed in Normandy on D Day and fought there until he was wounded 21 days later.

Signed by CR Lamb Capt RM

Albert served I believe with 4 Cdo Bde Sig Tp

I am hoping to get some leads regarding the actions of this unit pre and post D Day, and where possible his medal card, to further my investigation for him.

Many thanks
Ian Berry

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Formerly REME AQMS
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Joined: 10/04/2007 22:56:27
Messages: 3328
Location: Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire

Hi Ian,

Albert Edward Swadling served in No.12 Cdo and No.3 Cdo - at this stage I'd guess that when No.12 was disbanded in autumn of 1943, he was posted to No.3 Cdo. More information may be forthcoming

I understand Albert came from Slough but could you enquire of your friend whether he had another relative in the RMs - as I have a Mne. Leonard Swadling, 30 AU Cdo from Langley near Slough!


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 19/07/2024 16:00:57

Nick Collins,

Commando Association Historical Archivist & Photographer.

Proud son of Cpl Mick Collins, 5 Troop, No5 Cdo

"Truly we may say of them, when shall their glory fade?"

Ian Berry
Forum Member

Joined: 18/07/2024 18:27:08
Messages: 6
Location: Sandhurst

Nick thanks for that information which gives me a direction to aim at.

Albert had a brother called Leonard Roy Swadling and Langley would fit as it is very close to Slough, and I am aware that some of the family lived there. There were 7 boys and 4 girls in the family.

I would really welcome anything you might be able to add.

Many thanks


Formerly REME AQMS
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Joined: 10/04/2007 22:56:27
Messages: 3328
Location: Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire

I would certainly recommend that Albert's family apply to the National Archives for both Albert's and Leonard's service records. They are entitled to both Albert's & Leonard's records. And the search is free!
As they were in different branches of HM Forces, two applications would need to be made.
These days you don't need a Death Certificates but if you don't send one in, it could delay the request - so it's always best to send one! If the family don't have them, they can apply, online, to Gov.UK for Death Certs.

Have a look at this link and it will take you/the family to the appropriate pages...


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 19/07/2024 17:22:52

Nick Collins,

Commando Association Historical Archivist & Photographer.

Proud son of Cpl Mick Collins, 5 Troop, No5 Cdo

"Truly we may say of them, when shall their glory fade?"

Ian Berry
Forum Member

Joined: 18/07/2024 18:27:08
Messages: 6
Location: Sandhurst

Yeah thanks Nick,

I was exploring all avenues. I applied for my own 24 years worth of records and it took about 6 months before the postman arrived with a wheelbarrow.... every letter, signal, confidential report etc etc.

Sometimes on forums you get background information which may not be available in official records - Incidentally, my pal wasn't aware that Leonard also served so that's another avenue I will probably get to investigate, although he is particularly keen to try a corroborate his deceased grandfather's stories about raids they were involved in. I will do some digging on the activities of 12 and 3 Cdo for this period.

Thanks again for your input.


Formerly REME AQMS
Ian Berry
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Joined: 18/07/2024 18:27:08
Messages: 6
Location: Sandhurst

Incidentally Nick, I have just spotted you are in Godmanchester.

My wife's Grandmother (Helena Wodka, formerly from Poland) died 1986 and is buried in Godmanchester cemetery.

Small world


Formerly REME AQMS
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Joined: 10/04/2007 22:56:27
Messages: 3328
Location: Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire

Ian Berry wrote:Incidentally Nick, I have just spotted you are in Godmanchester.

My wife's Grandmother (Helena Wodka, formerly from Poland) died 1986 and is buried in Godmanchester cemetery.

Small world


Wow, it is indeed a very small world - I know the cemetery well. It has a grave stone for a young woman who was murdered in London, but also a CWGC stone for a young WAAF, who died during the WWII. The stone says she was 16 which would have made her the one of the two youngest women, in HM Forces, who died in the War. Tragically she was enjoying a day out in a boat, on the Great Ouse, with some friends and, somehow, drowned!

I shall look out for Helena's grave...

Don't expect a wheelbarrow of documents when you apply for Albert's records! Hopefully about half a dozen pages - but some will be big. All are scans of the original docs and cover from enlistment through to demob. As you say it does take a while and this is certainly true at the moment as all the WWII service records are being moved from the various MoD offices to National Archives in readiness for them to be released to the public domain! The NA are looking for a contractor to digitalize the records and the whole program is expected to last a few more years yet! So obviously the NA is busy - so get those applications in sooner rather than later...


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 19/07/2024 21:55:24

Nick Collins,

Commando Association Historical Archivist & Photographer.

Proud son of Cpl Mick Collins, 5 Troop, No5 Cdo

"Truly we may say of them, when shall their glory fade?"

Ian Berry
Forum Member

Joined: 18/07/2024 18:27:08
Messages: 6
Location: Sandhurst


Thanks for that, it's something we have never done but I have researched where she lies. We were in Germany at the time and it wasn't until many years later that we discovered this and then never got round to it. Not even sure if there is a headstone.

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Formerly REME AQMS
Ian Berry
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Joined: 18/07/2024 18:27:08
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Location: Sandhurst

I have been lucky enough to have been sent a contemporary record of wounded soldiers (attached) which shows Albert as having been wounded on 11th June 1944. The war diary for that period indicates that late in the evening of the 11th the unit suffered a mortar attack, Capt BD Butler MC and five others were killed and several were wounded. Albert's discharge notes (in first message above) indicate that he was wounded 21 days after D Day. It may of course have been possible that he was wounded in this mortar attack and then again later, or that the wounds he received on the 11th June were not as part of the same attack on the unit.
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Formerly REME AQMS
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