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Looking for records, 62 Commando  XML
Forum Index » Looking for Information Individuals
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Danielle Meier
Forum Member

Joined: 03/07/2024 08:20:58
Messages: 2

Hello, I am looking for a Frenchman, his records show him being in 62 Commando - SSRF, then being transferred to 2SAS. He took part in 5 2SAS operations in 1944 and 1945, and was briefly POW after an SAS operation, released end of 1944.
The French records don't show him, as he is recorded as being attached to British units, the British records don't show him, since he is a French national, "only" attached to British units.
Where can I find nominal rolls for 62 Commando, knowing that he took part on 10 September 1943 in the raid Taranto/Lampedusa.
The National Archives in Kew nor MoD replied that he is unknown.
How can I find him? Any suggestion would be appreciated, since I have been looking since a long time.
Name: GALMARD, Paul Louis Aime
Thank you
John M
CVA Website Manager

Joined: 18/04/2007 16:22:37
Messages: 1112

Hello Danielle

It looks like you have tried most things I could suggest.

62 Commando and SSRF were a very covert and short lived unit.

I have never come across a Nominal Roll for either of them.

There is a book on the SSRF printed2013 by Sword and Brian Lett

If you don't already have it maybe that could help you with your research.

Good luck

John M
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Danielle Meier
Forum Member

Joined: 03/07/2024 08:20:58
Messages: 2

Thank you John
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