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terence Asquith
Forum Member

Joined: 06/09/2007 14:30:54
Messages: 3

Hi. My Dad William Asquith was with No2 Commando 3 troop. I heard once him talking to friends about St Nazaire and Salerno. I know as a fact that Dad was wounded in Salerno. Could a Commando have been in action in St Nazaire and Salerno ?. Many thanks.
CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4673

Hi Terence

The answer to your question is yes it is possible. However it should be noted that not all who were in No.2 Commando at the time went on the St. Nazaire raid. My father did, my uncle did not. Some of those who went did get back but not many. There was also a detachment from No.2 Commando who were overseas at the time of the raid. A tremendous amount of research has been undertaken over the years by numerous people not least of whom was the author James Dorrian who is still a member of the St. Nazaire Society. Those commandos whom we definitely know went on the raid are listed here and all are sourced with evidence of being there:

In respect of your Father's wounding.
All of No.2 Commando embarked for Gibraltar and there followed subsequent deployments to Sicily, Salerno and other parts of Italy, Albania, Vis, etc., ending at Argenta and Lake Comacchio. Casualty Lists only show your father wounded on the 9th October 1944 which was the date of Operation Mercerised at Sarande, Albania. The No.2 Commando War Diary for 9 October indicates 3 Troop and others took several casualties at Sarande. I am aware that there are cases where some who were wounded seem not to appear on the Casualty Lists, or perhaps more accurately to say not yet found on Casualty Lists . Anyhow here is the current entry for your father in our main archive which is in addition to those photos already in the galley. If you provide his dates and places of birth and death I can add those to it.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 23/08/2023 13:30:49

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
terence Asquith
Forum Member

Joined: 06/09/2007 14:30:54
Messages: 3

. HI pete. Very Many thanks for the updated information on my Dad William Asquith. My Dad died in 1975 at age 52 Liverpool born and bred. Demobed in 1948. A heart attack. I believe he suffered 'S' mine damage to the top his skull and had a plate inserted. As to whether this relates to the record of the 1944 wound mentioned I don't know. Also he received a bullet wound to the back , of which was still lodged near his spine. His Pay book has written in his own hand ' entitled to two wound stripes.
Interesting about the Albania action. He is pictured on the gallery site at that Lake mentioned in Italy that you have seen.
Other than this I don't know much more of his service record with No2. That main picture of him was signed on the rear 'North Africa' 1944 and was a postcard to his mother in Liverpool ( Mold street liverpool 3(?).

Once again Pete. Many thanks for all the work you have for everyone
Much appreciated.
Terence Asquith.

ps... My mother was in a home in 2017 aged 90. the Old lady next door to her was the daughter of a Naval rating called ' LEECH' that took Commandos ashore at St Nazaire. I belive he was KIA and his body was never found. Sad.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 24/08/2023 12:08:17

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