On the Homepage each month is a reminder of events and operations that took place during that month in WW2. Here is just one from this month's shown on there.
No.3 Commando were tasked with taking and holding a bridge at Malati until the arrival of the 50th Division. After capturing the bridge from the Italians and removing the demolitions they had laid, a counter attack by the Germans with support of tanks inflicted heavy casualties on No.3 Commando. Eventually they were ordered to withdraw but the bridge had been saved from demolition. General Montgomery later ordered that a stone be carved with - 3 Commando Bridge- and this stone cemented into the Malati bridge.
An excellent account can be found in Lieut. Erskine's recollections
Information on some Commandos who took part https://www.commandoveterans.org/node/1730/backlinks
One of the pillboxes still remains at Malati bridge
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 16/07/2023 19:25:49