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Abandoned Engineering 5th June  XML
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Phil Eyden
Forum Member

Joined: 05/06/2010 00:34:22
Messages: 86
Location: Dover Kent

Hi all.

You may like to watch Abandoned Engineering this Monday 5th June, 9pm, Yesterday Channel. The episode is called 'Fake News Fortress' (Season 11, ep. 4).

We filmed it last August at the Drop Redoubt fort in Dover and it will cover 4 Commando's Operation Abercrombie 'Boulogne Raid' in April 1942.

Thank you.
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Phil Eyden
Forum Member

Joined: 05/06/2010 00:34:22
Messages: 86
Location: Dover Kent

You can now watch the episode on YouTube. It's the first 15 minutes only. I hope you find it interesting.
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