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CO of ITCRM in 1966  XML
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vic balsdon
Forum Member

Joined: 15/06/2009 20:09:57
Messages: 3
Location: Somerset

Can anyone remember the name of the Commanding Officer of ITCRM in 1966?
The attached photograph (cropped to avoid me!) shows him presenting me with a medal for the unit cross country in that year.
The face of the unit PT officer is also familiar but, like so many others, his name escapes me.
[Thumb - IMG_20230526_171819.jpg]
 Filename IMG_20230526_171819.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description ITCRM cross country 1966
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Forum Member

Joined: 26/05/2012 17:50:52
Messages: 310

Lt. Col. Michael Anthony WILBERFORCE R.M., assumed command of I.T.C.R.M. Lympstone in February 1965, could it be him?

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 29/05/2023 15:54:40

vic balsdon
Forum Member

Joined: 15/06/2009 20:09:57
Messages: 3
Location: Somerset

Thank you for your reply to my request.
Although the name doesn't ring any bells (not a lot does these days!), it seems probable that it was indeed Lt. Col. Wilberforce at ITC a year or so after he assumed command. The unit cross country was traditionally held in either February or March, I believe (hence the greatcoat), so unless his command was cut short for some reason, he would still have been there in 1966.
As a PW, I didn't spend a lot of time in the camp and I went off to 45 in Aden later that year, so perhaps that's a convenient excuse for my memory failure.
Thanks again for the info.
vic balsdon
Forum Member

Joined: 15/06/2009 20:09:57
Messages: 3
Location: Somerset

"Cold voices whisper and say --
'He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia,
They have stolen his wits away.'
Walter de la Mare

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 30/05/2023 11:09:01

Forum Member

Joined: 22/09/2018 12:57:51
Messages: 23
Location: Somerset

As I was unable to confirm that the C.O. handing me the medal in the picture was Lt. Col. Wilberforce, I approached the Royal Marines Association, and my request was kindly posted on their website.
Three suggestions came up with Col. Leslie Marsh MC and one also supplied the name of the PT&SO - Lt. St. John Grey. It's not surprising that I thought his face rang a bell - I served with him in "Charlie" Troop in 42 Commando RM in the early 1960s!
So........ it's been sorted.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I?
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference".
Robert Frost
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