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Apostrophes converting to question marks  XML
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CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4673

For some time now this has been bugging me. Every time I put an apostrophe in a word it would automatically convert to a question mark in the post, eg. it's becomes it?s. Checking the internet it's not just on this forum. Well I have found one way that seems to work when using an iPad.

On IPad Settings go to General, then Keyboard, then turn off Smart Punctuation.

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
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