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Roman Bridge Dolwyddelan North Wales  XML
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Joined: 02/12/2007 12:24:31
Messages: 396

Over the lockdown trying to find information about the American Units stationed there during WW2.
I know that they used to visit the cinema here in Blaenau Ffestiniog, I also know that they used to give bananas to local children who had never seen a banana before, also a deceased friend who remembers them giving him their money before they left. Also this camp was flooded, after the local farmer told them of the unsuitability of the site.
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''Coemgen Filius Primi Inter Pares"
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Joined: 02/12/2007 12:24:31
Messages: 396

Have found drive shafts of Duce&½ as fence post around the lower fields, also when we used to go absailing under ground in the Moelwyn quarries a Zippo lighter was found. I've always thought that they were a mountain warfare unit (or a penal unit but I can't see this as an option) some say the were sent to Guame and were decimated. I have been looking for years for American Units/Army camps in this area with no luck.
I've always fancied metal detecting the site after the lockdown with the farmers permission.
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''Coemgen Filius Primi Inter Pares"
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Joined: 02/05/2021 22:08:02
Messages: 1

Hi Kevin
The unit was the US 83rd Infantry, who's camp was flooded, I am part of a small group of people that research anything to do with the 83rd.
The flood happened in May 44 just before the unit went to fight in France. If you have any photos of local finds or any stories from locals I would love to be able to share them with the research group and the 83rd Veterans and their family's. There is also a local historian in the area that has written about the troops. If you are interested ill try and find out the information.
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Joined: 02/12/2007 12:24:31
Messages: 396

Where did they serve after their departure from Dolwyddelan.

''Coemgen Filius Primi Inter Pares"
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Joined: 29/10/2022 18:24:31
Messages: 1

Hi Kevin, I don't know whether you are still following this topic, but I am the ''historian' Granville mentioned (thank you Granville for the grand title!) I did write a chapter about the flood incident in my book about the soldiers of Dolwyddelan, so if you are still interested I could share what I have found.
Also, I have been metal detecting the site during this year (I am friends with the farm family) but after two of us detecting for around ten afternoons the finds have been very sparse. A few coins (of the correct date) a bullet, a buckle and part of a Gilette razor with Made in America on it. I also found what I thought was a mangled mouthpiece from a bugle on my first search. Very excited. Turned out to be the spout off a camping kettle

Shaun Hewitt, Dolwyddelan
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