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Lieutnant Cyril Gordon Henry Miers DSC  XML
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Joined: 29/07/2019 15:12:04
Messages: 4

Dear Fellows,

I am looking for information about Lieutnant Cyril Gordon Henry Miers DSC born in São Paulo, Brasil on 01/12/1921.

The information I have till now are that he was with Royal Marines on D-Day, the DSC was for his actions on Normandy, and then in India/Southeast Asia in 1945.

Any data will help me a lot.

Thank you for your help.

Paulo Pinotti

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 30/07/2019 16:29:32

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Joined: 26/05/2012 17:50:52
Messages: 310


Lieutenant (acting Captain) Cyril Gordon Henry MIERS D.S.C. Royal Marines
1st December 1921 Sao Paulo, Brazil - 15th September 1952 Pwllheli, North Wales Age 30

Distinguished Service Cross awarded for actions in Normandy (London Gazette 14th November 1944 p.5216)
Notice of the award published in the Gloucestershire Echo 17th November 1944
Engaged to be married to Sister Margaret Roberts of the Q.A.I.M.N.S. (Gloucestershire Echo 25th February 1947)
They married in Japan in 1947.
His wife originated from Porthmadog in North Wales, his death was registered in Pwllheli, Caernarvonshire in 1952.

Good luck with your research

[Thumb - Gloucester Echo 17.11.1944.png]
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 29/07/2019 19:44:59

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Joined: 29/07/2019 15:12:04
Messages: 4


Thank you very much for this information.

Please one more help, which unit he was during the D-Day.

CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4673

His Granddaughter posted a message here about him

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
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Joined: 26/05/2012 17:50:52
Messages: 310

Lt. Miers appears in the 'Navy List' under 'The Royal Marine Forces'. He was a Royal Marine on a ship detachment, possibly landing craft?
The Distinguished Service Cross is "awarded in recognition of an act or acts of exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy at sea"
All would be confirmed with a copy of his service records

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 30/07/2019 10:47:46

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Joined: 29/07/2019 15:12:04
Messages: 4


So till now I can guess Lieutnant Ciryl Gordon Henry Miers DSC, was in one of the landing crafts or a scort vessel during the landings.

Any new information I will put here.

Thank you very much for your help.

Paulo Pinotti

CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4673

(1) 11 September 1939 commissioned probationary Lieutenant [London Gazettes 34683 page 6284.]

(2) Confirmed in the rank of Lieutenant with seniority from 16th February 1941 [London Gazettes 35463, page 843.]

[3] 16 February 1941 Lt Miers ( Acting Captain ) shore base Braganza. [Navy Lists

[4] 1946 (Captain) Naval Party 2504 ( NP2504) in Kure. [Royal Marines Historical Society ]

[5] 1946 (Captain) Officer Commanding NP 2504 [source as above].

[6] 1947 Officer Commanding RM 'Commonwealth' [source as above].

See image below for 4, 5, and 6

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 30/07/2019 18:53:31

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4673

4, 5 and 6 above and

7. Description of NP 2504 [ Naval History website ]

8. Braganza was a Naval shore base at Bombay, India [ Royal Navy Museum list of Naval Shore Establishments].
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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 30/07/2019 18:50:14

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
Danny L
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Joined: 04/05/2009 14:06:18
Messages: 56

In late 1943 Captain Miers, RM, was at HMS Effingham, Combined Operations Naval Training Establishment, Dartmouth

His citation for Normandy - "For spirited leadership, courage and devotion to duty in leading his Flotilla No. 544 and landing all his troops and his command of the situation when a number of his craft were mined and holed, yards of the beach"

He was the Flotilla Officer of 544 Assault Flotilla, Embarked on SS Monowai, Assault Group "J" 2, Force "J". There were 10 Landing Craft Assault (LCA) in the Flotilla.

Below is a brief rundown on the LCA of 544 Assault Flotilla on the 6th June.

Juno Beach, Nan White 08.40

LCA 1057 - At moment of beaching a mine exploded on port side. Crew ordered to abandon craft.

LCA 289 - Troops landed. On withdrawal from beach craft was thrown onto stakes. Crew ordered to abandon craft.

LCA 1091 - Craft struck a mine 40 yards from beach. Settled down on stakes which kept her above the water. A line was run to the beach and troops landed.

LCA 683 - Beached and troops disembarked. On withdrawal it was thrown onto an obstacle. Crew ordered to abandon craft.

LCA 208 - Stuck mine 20 yards from beach. Troops got ashore. One member of crew missing.

LCA 1092 - Craft was holed 20 yards from the beach. Stuck on stakes. Freed herself. Beached and troops landed. Returned to ship.

Crews from the LCA that sank were mustered on the beach. Worked on the beach for over 2 hours before being ordered onto LCT to be taken back to LSI. Searched for Marine from 208 but could not find him. 3 Marines wounded.

One LCA to land troops from 30 Assault Unit on Nan Red. Went in with LCI(S) carrying 48 RM Commando. Landed troops, unbeached and returned to LSI.

One LCA to land RN Commandos on Nan White. Troops and equipment landed. On withdrawal bottom of craft ripped out by stakes. Craft sank and crew taken aboard LCI and returned to LSI.

One LCA to land RN Commandos on Nan White. Landed troops and unbeached. Sank about three miles off beach due to holes below the waterline from shellfire on beach. Crew picked up and returned to LSI.

One LCA to report to HMS Waveney for orders and remain in the assault area. Went into the beach area but did not beach. Returned to LSI.

There is some more information on the Flotilla and a photo of him here


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Joined: 29/07/2019 15:12:04
Messages: 4


Thank you for all this informations. There a lot to me to check in other souces.

Thanks again.

Paulo Pinotti
Forum Member

Joined: 31/07/2023 12:53:35
Messages: 1

Hello Paulo,
I do hope you still check into this forum. A cousin of mine read on this forum, you had been looking for information about Captain Cyril Gordon Henry Miers DSC Royal Marines. He was my father. I?m wondering what your connection with him might be? I know your request was a few years ago but thought it worth posting this message.
In hope,
Pippa Garner 🤞🏻
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