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Communications Equipment  XML
Forum Index » Wartime Commando Operations and Raids
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Antoine A.
Forum Member

Joined: 29/08/2018 22:27:35
Messages: 8
Location: West Yorkshire, England


I was wondering whether someone would have some detailed information, or know where I could find it, on communications equipment used by army commando units. I am trying to put together both combat and Bde. HQ kit/gear. So far, I have have been lucky enough to get a WS38 MKII*. Should a WS 22 or the WS 18 be the next step?

Any information, would be very welcome.


Antoine A.
Forum Member

Joined: 26/05/2012 17:50:52
Messages: 310

WS18 would be a nice addition to your collection.


Do you do Army Commando re-enacting, could you post some images?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 02/12/2018 15:50:02

Antoine A.
Forum Member

Joined: 29/08/2018 22:27:35
Messages: 8
Location: West Yorkshire, England

Dear Guy

Thanks a lot for your quick reply. The information and pictures are most useful to me and give me some ideas on what to add to my collection next.

Re your question, I am part of a group reenacting as a Commando group (No 4 Commando) and I have just developed an interest on communications. We also do LRDG and airborne, although we reenact mainly as commando group.

I have attached three pictures.

Antonio A.
[Thumb - 33063233_357789714743690_2365072042744610816_n.jpg]
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Antoine A.
Forum Member

Joined: 29/08/2018 22:27:35
Messages: 8
Location: West Yorkshire, England

Sorry, there were only two. I am attaching some more here.
[Thumb - 37654635_404230496766278_2544222640558571520_n.jpg]
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[Thumb - 33356335_591437911237322_3343390735788408832_n.jpg]
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