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John Park, No4 Cdo - KIA Gravelines France  XML
Forum Index » Wartime Army Commando Individuals
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John M
CVA Website Manager

Joined: 18/04/2007 16:22:37
Messages: 1112

Hi Everyone

Dorothy Bailey (nee Park) is seeking anyone who knew her father:

John Park 4 Commando
KIA 25.12.43
Gravelines France

Anybody who remembers John Park or who can help in anyway please answer this post and I will pass on.

Thanks to all

Best regards
John M

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 02/08/2009 07:50:04

Do not speak.....unless it improves on Silence.

A good teacher opens the must enter yourself.

For Dad No 12 Commando & 4 Troop No 1 Commando
Primus Inter Pares

Commando Veterans Archive site Creator/Sponsor

John M
CVA Website Manager

Joined: 18/04/2007 16:22:37
Messages: 1112

From Bill Harvey

Private J Park of R.A.O.C. 3709917 was listed as taking part in the Dieppe raid.

Bill Harvey son of Gunner W Harvey No4

Do not speak.....unless it improves on Silence.

A good teacher opens the must enter yourself.

For Dad No 12 Commando & 4 Troop No 1 Commando
Primus Inter Pares

Commando Veterans Archive site Creator/Sponsor

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Joined: 13/07/2007 19:26:19
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Location: Normandy

Hello JOHN

I've just read the message about sgt. PARK.
I've got the report ( in french ) about GRAVELINES raid, and how sgt.PARK died.
Two french commandos who took part to this raid died few years ago. Joseph MADEC and René NAVRAULT.
I know than Sgt. PARK swim with Joseph MADEC, trying to take the diggy, Joseph MADEC came back to the beach but unfortunately not Sgt. PARK.
I will be grateful to you, if you could introduce me to Sgt. PARK's daughter.

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Joined: 01/08/2012 18:17:44
Messages: 349

As we enjoy this fun Christmas day, lets remember all the Commandos that have passed away, especially those who died in action and propose a toast to absent friends as my grandmother puts it.

John Park 4 Commando
KIA 25.12.43
Gravelines France

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 25/12/2012 12:59:37

The more I learn about the Commandos, the less I realise I know.

Grandson of George Norton Barnes
PLY/X 107640 Royal Marines
14987370 Fus. Barnes G.N Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

Royal Marines 8 BN, Royal Marines No. 40 and No. 41 Commando, LST 320, The 9th Buffs, Army No. 5 Commando and X Lists.

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Joined: 17/08/2012 13:26:51
Messages: 423

Been thinking about them this morning - I'll certainly be raising a glass in their memory later today ... when it's quiet.

They'll never be forgotten.

If I have praised my comrades too highly I make no apology, for they were beyond all praise.

Lord Lovat - No 4 Commando
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Joined: 04/04/2018 15:36:46
Messages: 14
Location: Gravelines, North, France

Hello, I am French and I am writing a book on the Gravelines raid on December 24, 1943.
We know his story a bit but we do not have pictures and we do not know his family. Do you have a way to contact one of his children or others ?
I had the opportunity to go to his grave in Oye-Plage, I live to Gravelines.

Write me please.
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Joined: 04/04/2018 15:36:46
Messages: 14
Location: Gravelines, North, France

Oye-Plage, France
[Thumb - tombe park.jpg]
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CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4698

Hi Wolgang

Thank you for the photo which I have now added to our War Graves gallery. If youu provide your full name I will add that as a credit for the photo. Here is a link to it in the gallery

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 17/04/2024 21:40:14

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
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Joined: 04/04/2018 15:36:46
Messages: 14
Location: Gravelines, North, France

Pete wrote:Hi Wolgang

Thank you for the photo which I have now added to our War Graves gallery. If youu provide your full name I will add that as a credit for the photo. Here is a link to it in the gallery

My name is Bruno DUREZ. I live to Gravelines. I am writing a book on the Gravelines raid on December 24, 1943 (Hardtack 11). we do not know his family and we do not have pictures. Do you have a way to contact one of his children Dorothy Bailey (Park) ?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 17/04/2024 21:40:37

Phil Eyden
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Joined: 05/06/2010 00:34:22
Messages: 86
Location: Dover Kent

Was this Hardtack 11 Wolgang?

A summary I have: Christmas Eve 1943, seven Free French commandos of 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando and led by WO Waller to the beaches at Gravelines between Calais and Dunkirk ended disastrously. The dory that should have transferred the party back to the MTB suffered engine failure and then sank. The party failed to make a successful swim back to the boat before dawn light and it was forced to return to Dover. One man may have drowned in the attempt to reach it, but the others were forced to melt away into the countryside and join the French Resistance. A rescue mission despatched from Dover the following night failed to find any of the party.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 06/04/2018 11:24:01

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Joined: 04/04/2018 15:36:46
Messages: 14
Location: Gravelines, North, France

Phil Eyden wrote:Was this Hardtack 11 Wolgang?

A summary I have: Christmas Eve 1943, seven Free French commandos of 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando and led by WO Waller to the beaches at Gravelines between Calais and Dunkirk ended disastrously. The dory that should have transferred the party back to the MTB suffered engine failure and then sank. The party failed to make a successful swim back to the boat before dawn light and it was forced to return to Dover. One man may have drowned in the attempt to reach it, but the others were forced to melt away into the countryside and join the French Resistance. A rescue mission despatched from Dover the following night failed to find any of the party.

You are right. But it's not Waller but Wallerand. And there was also John Park who drowned. The other 5 French commandos remained on the beach with two other British: Chapman and Jones. I have no other information about the British but I write a book about the raid and what the other 5 commandos did after the raid (resistance, prisoner .....). I know that Jones was seen again by his troupe after 1944. It was Operation Layforce II a series of reports: hardtack, between Christmas 1943 and February 1944: The 10 Commando, a part of 12 Commando and the 2 Special Boat Service. Excuse-me for my bad english .....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 06/04/2018 14:30:27

Alan Orton
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Joined: 24/09/2010 06:18:51
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Location: United Kingdom

John Park according to the files held in WO 417 was initially reported missing for the date 25/12/43 with the rank of L/Sjt. this rank is later corrected to W/Cpl. during 1944, he was finally reported as killed in action on C/List 1798 dated 3/7/1945. On each of the 3 files he is also recorded as being attached to 2 SBS.

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Joined: 04/04/2018 15:36:46
Messages: 14
Location: Gravelines, North, France

Hello everyone,
who could give me the first names of the 2 others Britishs during the raid of Gravelines Hardtack 11: Corporal radio JONES and the sailor of MTB CHAPMAN ?
thank you in advance
Alan Orton
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Joined: 24/09/2010 06:18:51
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Location: United Kingdom

Hello Wolfgang,

the name I have for Jones is Cpl. Jack Jones in reality he may have been Vladmir Kottka born in Russia attached from 3 (X) Troop 10 Commando. I have possible 2 service numbers both for the Pioneer Corps both though are not recorded in the WO 417 files.

I have no further information to add regarding Chapman.

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Joined: 20/08/2011 23:29:50
Messages: 288

The book "The King's own loyal Enemy Aliens" has the following ref :

Kotta,Vladimir.13802873,later JONES,13118611,said to have been a Russian,Cpl 219 Coy PC;later 3 / 10 Cdo,in Op

HARDTACK opposite Graveline,taken prisoner there,liberated at end of war.


By their deeds they shall be known
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