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Tom McCormack, 5 Troop, 2 Commando, Died St Nazaire  XML
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Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Had a very moving visit to Tom's grave in Rennes on Monday followed by a tour of the school which was used as a hospital during the second half of the war and where the charioteers were taken after initial casualty care at L'Hermitage at La Baule. All hosted by our friend Hubert Marie who has made a special study of Tom and the charioteers and their time in Rennes. I'll send in some pictures once we're back in the UK. Mark

Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
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Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Excellent tour of St Nazaire yesterday including entering the bottom of the Form Ecluse and right to the bottom of the pumping house. Great to meet so many of the charioteers' families and friends. Not to mention the charioteers themselves. Also met with the party from Liverpool Scottish at the ceremony at the Escoublac CWGC cemetery to discover they had laid a wreath at Tom's grave in Rennes alongside ours, so Tom is well remembered. Mark

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 10/04/2013 22:50:33

Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Forum Member

Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Another year passes and our thoughts are of Tom's passing 71 years ago today.

Attached is a picture of the wreath we laid at Tom's grave in Rennes last year - complete with Forbes tartan.

Also a picture of the Lycee Jean Mace, which was converted for use as an infirmary during the Occupation, and was where Tom died of his wounds on 11th April 1942.


[Thumb - 26032012112 Copy.jpg]
 Filename 26032012112 Copy.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description Lycee Jean Mace, Rennes - infirmary in WW2 where Tom died
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[Thumb - 26032012105 - Copy 60.jpg]
 Filename 26032012105 - Copy 60.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description Tom McCormack's headstone - Rennes Cemetery
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Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Forum Member

Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Here also are shots of the commemorative plaque in the lobby of the Lycee Jean Marie to the French medical team who nursed the allied prisoners of war for the duration.

They must have been great comfort to Tom and the other wounded charioteers.

[Thumb - 26032012119.jpg]
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 Description Dr Marquis and the nursing team
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[Thumb - 26032012114 - Copy.jpg]
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 Description Close up of group photo
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Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
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Joined: 17/08/2012 13:26:51
Messages: 423

Remembering Tom today (as I often do) and all the others who died.

If I have praised my comrades too highly I make no apology, for they were beyond all praise.

Lord Lovat - No 4 Commando
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Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Remembering Tom today on the anniversary of his death in Rennes from wounds sustained during Operation Chariot.

He will not be forgotten.


Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Stephen Donnison
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Joined: 08/04/2007 10:16:31
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SE Donnison
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Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Another year gone and remembering today the passing of Tom

Not forgotten

Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Forum Member

Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Remembering today Tom McCormack on the 76th anniversary of his death from the wounds sustained on the raid.

This year I am posting Stephen's lovely pictures of the four friends on leave in 1941 - Sid Murdoch, Tom McCormack, Ken McAllister and Bill Hughes.

We shall not forget them.


[Thumb - sid tom ken and bill on leave 1941 (Stephen McAllister).jpg]
 Filename sid tom ken and bill on leave 1941 (Stephen McAllister).jpg [Disk] Download
 Description (Picture courtesy of Stephen McAllister & Pete Rogers)
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Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Forum Member

Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Today is the 78th Anniversary of Tom McCormack finally succumbing to the grenade fragment wounds he sustained at Operation Chariot some 11 days before.

By now he was at the military hospital set up in the École primaire supérieure de jeunes filles in the Rue Jean Macé in RENNES where he was cared for by a team of French volunteer medics.

According to witnesses, his funeral on 15 Apr 1942 was attended by 5,000 local Rennais, despite orders from the German occupiers against mass gatherings.

The event thus became one of the first protests against the Nazi occupiers.

To this day, Tom is well remembered in both Rennes and St Nazaire, as well of course as this side of the Channel.

We will remember him


[Thumb - Tom's wreath 2012.jpg]
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 Description Tom
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[Thumb - Tom's headstone Rennes.jpg]
 Filename Tom's headstone Rennes.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description Tom
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 25/05/2022 14:33:28

Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Forum Member

Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Another year passes.

Not forgotten.


Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Bill Harvey
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Joined: 07/07/2007 22:24:35
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Remembered with honour


Bill Harvey
Son of Gunner Bill Harvey No4 Commando who was killed in action on 1 November 1944 when liberating Flushing. "Their deeds shall live from age to age. They've writ their name on History's page. Upheld their glorious heritage. The Fighting Fourth Commando."
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Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Was up at my Mum's last November. We couldn't get to Spean Bridge obviously, so instead we left a wee poppy cross in memory of Tom and the other Operation Chariot Fallen at the Ganavan RAF Coastal Command Memorial.

Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
Bill Harvey
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Joined: 07/07/2007 22:24:35
Messages: 716
Location: Dunbeg Argyll


Will remember them when I get up soon, all of them, as I will stop at the Memorial on my way to Achnacarry.


Bill Harvey
Son of Gunner Bill Harvey No4 Commando who was killed in action on 1 November 1944 when liberating Flushing. "Their deeds shall live from age to age. They've writ their name on History's page. Upheld their glorious heritage. The Fighting Fourth Commando."
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Joined: 18/04/2009 01:36:39
Messages: 95

Remembering Tom eighty years on.

Was in Liverpool at the municipal cemetery close to Tom's home in Allerton thinking he must have people here too, then imagining him walking the area before the clouds of war broke in '39.

Have just got home and back to access to computer, so later than usual in posting here.

Not forgotten.


Remembering Tom McCormack, died of wounds, Bill Hughes and Syd Murdoch both captured, all at St Nazaire and all Liverpool Scottish/QOCH & 5(Scottish) Troop, No 2 Commando. Wonderful company & welcome guests billeted with my grandfather in Ayr in 1941-2.
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