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Ben Fletcher/ Ben Parry, No4 Cdo  XML
Forum Index » Wartime Army Commando Individuals
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John M
CVA Website Manager

Joined: 18/04/2007 16:22:37
Messages: 1112

Please can you help me?
I have been trying to locate my uncle for the past ten years. Sadly it is too late for him to be reunited with his sister (my mother) as she has since passed. His name was Benjamin (Ben). I do not know if he went by the name he was christened which was Benjamin Parry, or by his fathers name which was Benjamin Fletcher.
I have attached a photo of Ben in his uniform. I can just make out No 4 commando and I think 2 stripes on his left shoulder. Ben was born in stoke Lacey, Bromyard, Herefordshire in 1924.
Please if you know anything or know of anyone who may know of him please contact me as I would love to find out what happened to him or if he is dead or alive.
Thank you in anticipation.

Posted for Shirley by John M
[Thumb - Fletcher Parry 4cdo.jpg]
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 22/02/2009 20:45:41

Do not speak.....unless it improves on Silence.

A good teacher opens the must enter yourself.

For Dad No 12 Commando & 4 Troop No 1 Commando
Primus Inter Pares

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Bill Harvey
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Joined: 07/07/2007 22:24:35
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I am Bill Harvey son of Bill Harvey of No4 Commando who was killed in Flushing. I would suggest that you try the Salvation Army as they are very good at tracing lost relatives.

Do you have the exact date of birth of Ben Fletcher / Parry? It may be helpful.

Best wishes.


Bill Harvey
Son of Gunner Bill Harvey No4 Commando who was killed in action on 1 November 1944 when liberating Flushing. "Their deeds shall live from age to age. They've writ their name on History's page. Upheld their glorious heritage. The Fighting Fourth Commando."
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Joined: 03/10/2023 18:59:23
Messages: 1
Location: Herefordshire

Hello Shirley,
Its so long since you posted this I have no idea if you will pick this message up but it you do I am the granddaughter of Ben Fletcher who I believe may be your uncle.
I am trying to trace his life as he never spoke of any family. All we know is that in 1939 he was in Bromyard before enlisting.
Please contact me if you get this.

Tracy searching for information on my granddad who was a commando is WW2.
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