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Was Royal Navy Beach Commando Nan N2 My Dad's Unit?  XML
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Joined: 17/08/2012 13:26:51
Messages: 423

If you have trouble locating a copy of The Beachhead Commandos give me a shout, Blueboy.

As Pete suggested - I found the above photo and it certainly looks like your dad.

If I have praised my comrades too highly I make no apology, for they were beyond all praise.

Lord Lovat - No 4 Commando
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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
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Eileen wrote:If you have trouble locating a copy of The Beachhead Commandos give me a shout, Blueboy.

As Pete suggested - I found the above photo and it certainly looks like your dad.

Thank you Eileen. It could be my dad but if I had come across that photo whilst searching I wouldn't have picked it out.

Thanks again.

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
Messages: 31

I'm so pleased to see my dad's service recognised in the RN Beach Cdo Nominal Roll and now in The Gallery. Thank you so much.

The Beachhead Commandos and Beachhead Assault books are not available in huge numbers but I have managed to order a second-hand copy of each.

Thanks again to all who have assisted me.

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
Messages: 31

Sorry, one last thing. My brother mentioned hazy childhood memories of a knife, bayonet or dagger he saw which we now believe to be my dad's Farbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife. He also remembers a long leather sleeveless jerkin. These are memories from from nearly 70 years ago. Can anyone shed any light on the jerkin (as my brother called it)? Could it have been something worn on the beaches to offer some protection?

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
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Joined: 02/12/2007 12:24:31
Messages: 396

Altogether eight RN Beach Commandos took part in the June 6 D-Day Normandy landings:

"F" and "R" in Gold sector under Force G.

"L", "P", and "S" in Juno sector under Force J.
(Force J, is limited to Juno sector's two beaches, respectively named "Mike" and "Nan" which were located within the ten-mile stretch from Graye-sur-Mer on the west to Langrune-sur-Mer on the east, with Courseulles-sur-Mer and Bernieres-sur-Mer situated in between).

"J", "Q", and "T" in Sword sector under Force S.
[Thumb - Nan.jpg]
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''Coemgen Filius Primi Inter Pares"
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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
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Kevin, my dad landed in Italy so didn't participate in the Normandy Landings.

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
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Joined: 02/12/2007 12:24:31
Messages: 396

No probs, thanks.

''Coemgen Filius Primi Inter Pares"
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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
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Kevin wrote:No probs, thanks.

I appreciate the input Kevin. Just finished a book about Normandy '44. A good book but quite heavy going I thought.

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
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Joined: 02/12/2007 12:24:31
Messages: 396

My imput was from the Canadian 'W' Beach Commando, it has an insight into the training they received in Scotland, arms and equipment etc.

''Coemgen Filius Primi Inter Pares"
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Joined: 17/08/2012 13:26:51
Messages: 423

With regard to the leather jerkin, Blueboy, this is a very well-known French Commando. If the picture doesn't work just type Sergeant Louis Lanternier into Google or wherever.

If I have praised my comrades too highly I make no apology, for they were beyond all praise.

Lord Lovat - No 4 Commando
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Joined: 10/04/2007 22:56:27
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Location: Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire

Leather jackets and/or jerkins have been used as a 'battledress' for centuries, but during the WWI, the British Army started issuing brown leather jerkins to the troops as a measure to protect against the cold but, also to allow freedom of movement.
These garments generally had four buttons and were lined with khaki wool. They were practical, hardwearing and extremely appreciated by officers and other ranks alike.

By the WWII leather jerkins were still on issue but now had had Bakelite buttons and remained warm, comfortable garments to wear whilst fighting, working or driving and were popular practical garments for motorcyclists and Dispatch Riders.
They were issued to all the Commonwealth forces and were universally popular and came to characterize the British forces as a preferred alternative to the heavy greatcoats that other armies persisted with.

A practical garment known as the Battle Jerkin was developed in 1942 by Colonel Rivers-MacPherson of the British Army; a modification of the English hunting vest, it was developed into a garment made of leather with multiple pockets, intended to replace the conventional web gear then in use.

It was issued to assault troops for the Normandy landings and was used widely by the Commandos in 1944?45.

RN Beach Parties/ RN Cdos would certainly have been issued with them...

[Thumb - Kit issued to RN C Cdo for overseas.jpg]
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/04/2021 17:29:03

Nick Collins,

Commando Association Historical Archivist & Photographer.

Proud son of Cpl Mick Collins, 5 Troop, No5 Cdo

"Truly we may say of them, when shall their glory fade?"

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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
Messages: 31

Thanks for the replies and photos re the leather jerkins. Seems the one my brother remembers was indeed from dad?s RNBC days.

Another little piece of the jigsaw.

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
Messages: 31

Ha. My phone keeps putting a question mark when I want an apostrophe. Bizarre.

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
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Joined: 28/03/2021 21:43:20
Messages: 31

A Conclusion

As rewarding as all my research was, I could not find any direct link between my dad, Able Seaman John Couch, and RN Commando N(Nan)2 except for the reference to N2 B.C. on his service record. He was a character so I had expected to find something.

I was 99.9% sure I had nailed it but had to keep digging for the last 0.1%.

Again I searched Commando Nan and again I clicked on the results. I clicked on again and landed on the Royal Naval Commando Nan page (yet again). This time as I read it I found a link to Lt Maurice Vernon Redshaw RNVR, the commander of N2. I clicked on the link and opened up 13 pages of then Lt Cdr Redshaw's account of his time with Commando Nan.

There on Page 11 next to the date of October 15th (1943) was the entry, 'AB Couch transferred to GLENGYLE to carryout 14 days No. 11'. Then on October 19th was, 'AB Couch rejoins'. That was a quick 14 days then.

Now, I don't know what No. 11 refers to but I do see that his mate, A.B. Gilbert, was 'in cells (warrant)', on October 25th. I wonder if they both had been in trouble in some way. Perhaps I'll never know.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pete of CVA for putting up with my endless drip of emails and photos for the gallery. Pete you have been a great help to me. I think that's it now. I have completed my quest, unless of course...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 10/04/2021 10:46:31

Remembering my dad, Able Seaman John Couch (known as Jack or Taffy) RN Beach Commando N2.
Forum Member

Joined: 02/12/2007 12:24:31
Messages: 396

No.11 - Extra work and drill for a period not exceeding fourteen days;


''Coemgen Filius Primi Inter Pares"
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