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Commando Memorial, Spean Bridge  XML
Forum Index » Commando Memorials and Places of Remembrance
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John M
CVA Website Manager

Joined: 18/04/2007 16:22:37
Messages: 1112

Great work JMB thanks.

Great photos.


John M

Do not speak.....unless it improves on Silence.

A good teacher opens the must enter yourself.

For Dad No 12 Commando & 4 Troop No 1 Commando
Primus Inter Pares

Commando Veterans Archive site Creator/Sponsor

Forum Member

Joined: 12/04/2017 22:43:38
Messages: 30

I have not labelled all the individual memorials yet but have edited some to make the memorial more readable.

All named memorials to people who died in action are now on the IWM War Memorial and found one or two unit commemorations that I had missed.

All the individual commemorations are here - Individual Commemorations at The Commando Memorial Spean Bridge

Unit commemorations still at Unit Commemorations at The Commando Memorial

Forum Member

Joined: 12/04/2017 22:43:38
Messages: 30

I had a walk around the commemorations near the Spean Bridge Commando Memorial, looking for any new ones to photograph. Most will have already been photographed by me so will try and weed some out.

But there is one new commemoration that precedes the Commandos. It has at least two errors, I wonder who is responsible for it.

CAFFY is actually CASSEY

See HERE - Monday, 1 April 1918

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/06/2024 20:36:27

CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4698

Thanks for that. I will tell the Commando Association who are jointly responsible for the memorial with the Royal Marines and the Highland Council.

Gunner Ernest Cassey RMA died on the 3rd April 1918.

The inquest on the first four above was reported in several newspapers at the time.
[Thumb - South_Eastern_Gazette_09_April_1918_0008_Clip.jpg]
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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 09/06/2024 22:43:31

Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
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Joined: 12/04/2017 22:43:38
Messages: 30

Thanks, I was going to lookup the details of the memorial later, just not got around to it yet.

Forum Member

Joined: 12/04/2017 22:43:38
Messages: 30

Dover Chronicle - Saturday 06 April 1918
It is believed that four men have lost their lives, while six others were seriously injured, by an accident which occurred out Monday morning on the South East Coast. At the time they were engaged on gun practice. Two loud explosions, in rapid succession, indicated to people in the district that something untoward had happened, and comrades of the sufferers on hurrying to the spot found that some of the fatalities had been instantaneous. Prompt medical attention was forthcoming. and men who were badly wounded ,mere conveyed to hospital. All the victims were service men.
The victims were Fred Belfield, 19, (bombardier), Samuel E. Houchen. 24, Albert T. Aldridge, 22, and Arthur Large, 26 (gunners), all single men, belonging to the Royal Marine Artillery. At the inquest on Tuesday. Sergeant Charles Bryan said the four men formed part of the crew of a trench mortar. The accident was caused through the bomb exploding inside the gun. All the men were efficient and fully-trained. Captain Cecil Brook-Short said defects might exist in a bomb which would not be detected by those firing it. These would be due to carelessness, or. as the coroner suggested, criminal negligence on the part of those making the bomb. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death, adding a rider expressing their view that better inspection should be provided to guard against defects in the making of the bombs

Gunner, Royal Marine Artillery.on grave says Age: 23.
CWGC say age is 31

Cassey seems to have also died at Deal not Leicester, he was buried in Leicester with his family.

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