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HMS Princess Beatrix  XML
Forum Index » Wartime Commando Support Ships and Landing Craft
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Joined: 10/04/2007 22:56:27
Messages: 3327
Location: Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire

Peter47 wrote:If you are looking for information still, on HMS Princess Beatrix, you will find all my published research at:
and photographs at:
My Uncle Stanley Lee served on her as AB Quartermaster (Coxswain) during WW2, and I have constructed a radio controlled 1/100th scale model of her, pictures to be found on above sites.
Hope they are of some use to you Peter47

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 24/01/2010 19:25:37

Nick Collins,

Commando Association Historical Archivist & Photographer.

Proud son of Cpl Mick Collins, 5 Troop, No5 Cdo

"Truly we may say of them, when shall their glory fade?"

mike beckett
Forum Member

Joined: 26/11/2009 22:06:38
Messages: 116

Following the links above you can see the model Peter built is a real credit - great to see old warhorses like HMS Princess Beatrix remembered in this way!.
Forum Member

Joined: 24/01/2010 18:16:42
Messages: 3

Hi! many years since first posting, I have recently updated my web site on Google this is the link -
Have had to moved my images as Goodgle shut Picasaweb site, this link should take you to new albums OneDrive, for those still interested!ArUthhmpL1t8hOtCWBUXQQS9w0F9ow?e=sP0I20
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