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Forum Index » Commando Event Anniversaries (WW2) [XML]
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VJ Day 15 August 1945 0 Pete 55981 15/08/2024 13:31:09
Pete [Latest Reply]
The Anniversary of the D Day Landings at Normandy 4 Pete 22927 03/06/2024 20:22:14
Pete [Latest Reply]
Operation Chariot at St Nazaire 28th March 1942
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22 Pete 92946 27/03/2024 22:57:50
MBrockway [Latest Reply]
Op.Musketoon - Remembering the Commandos executed 81 years ago this week 0 Pete 13874 22/10/2023 19:09:49
Pete [Latest Reply]
Salerno (Operation Avalanche) 80 years ago 1 Pete 16299 09/09/2023 18:03:26
Pete [Latest Reply]
Roy Cadman 100th Birthday 3 GUY 23333 03/05/2023 16:09:35
DavidStevenson [Latest Reply]
Remembering those who died on the Veere Patrol 1 Pete 14341 08/11/2022 13:52:46
John M [Latest Reply]
The anniversary of Salerno 5 Pete 20330 15/09/2022 20:57:28
Pete [Latest Reply]
80th Dieppe 5 Bill Harvey 17540 20/08/2022 10:17:23
Bill Harvey [Latest Reply]
June 1943 formation of the Old Comrades Association of the Special Service Brigade 0 Pete 14213 15/06/2022 15:39:14
Pete [Latest Reply]
28th April 1943 - Operation Checkmate 6 Pete 15637 29/04/2022 17:08:10
Pete [Latest Reply]
Anniversary of Operation Infatuate, Walcheren 1-8 Nov 1944 4 Pete 14030 31/10/2021 12:16:24
Bill Harvey [Latest Reply]
Dieppe - 79 years ago this week 2 Pete 10992 21/08/2021 16:28:16
Bill Harvey [Latest Reply]
Latest on Remembrance weekend events at Fort William 2 Pete 10922 26/10/2020 15:32:51
Pete [Latest Reply]
VJ Day 15 August 1945 - 75th anniversary 5 Pete 11745 15/08/2020 07:52:22
Pete [Latest Reply]
17th June 1944 - Operation Brassard 1 Pete 16830 17/06/2020 22:06:15
Pete [Latest Reply]
80th anniversary of the formation of the Commandos 0 Pete 10211 17/06/2020 22:06:15
Pete [Latest Reply]
VE Day 75th anniversary 2 Pete 15513 08/05/2020 20:18:29
Pete [Latest Reply]
80th anniversary of the Independent Companies 1 Pete 10990 06/05/2020 12:38:35
MBrockway [Latest Reply]
Battle of the Argenta Gap, Lake Comacchio, Italy 0 Pete 10470 01/04/2020 22:56:17
Pete [Latest Reply]
19th March 1944 - No. 9 Commando attack on the Wadi at Anzio Beachhead 7 Pete 29522 17/11/2019 20:50:01
Pete [Latest Reply]
75th anniversary of Walcheren 1 Pete 11392 01/11/2019 14:36:45
Bill Harvey [Latest Reply]
76 years this week since the invasion of Sicily 0 Pete 11067 10/07/2019 20:12:29
Pete [Latest Reply]
73 years ago - Victory in Europe Day 0 Pete 11286 07/05/2018 22:52:51
Pete [Latest Reply]
Operation Checkmate - 75 years ago 0 Pete 12285 30/04/2018 19:29:41
Pete [Latest Reply]
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