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Forum Index » Wartime Commando Weapons and Equipment [XML]
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Wrist Watches issued to Commandos 0 Mark Wilson 60599 04/11/2021 07:56:57
Mark Wilson [Latest Reply]
Roy Cadman on Toggle Ropes 0 MBrockway 13456 18/04/2020 23:21:20
MBrockway [Latest Reply]
[Clip] An interesting FS knife.....under debate. 4 John M 11129 24/01/2020 15:26:54
John M [Latest Reply]
Lord Lovat 4 Commando Presentation Knife 1 RON FLOOK 8691 03/01/2020 18:40:40
John M [Latest Reply]
Bergen Contents. 1 thompy1993 15890 31/05/2018 10:28:28
Pete [Latest Reply]
Fairbairn and Sykes daggers 3 craig summerhill 14953 29/10/2017 21:45:17
Kevin [Latest Reply]
Medical equipment - Hardtack 23 2 Noel Rabouhans 9626 13/05/2016 22:32:44
Noel Rabouhans [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Item's that the Commandos used in WW11
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16 ASR142 26041 05/04/2016 19:45:25
ASR142 [Latest Reply]
bayonet 0 patnchris 9264 18/06/2015 15:53:37
patnchris [Latest Reply]
Carrier? 4 Shaun 11680 15/12/2014 00:52:48
Danny L [Latest Reply]
Medical Commandos 5 Medic Orderly 11268 06/12/2014 22:15:35
NIC [Latest Reply]
Op. Frankton "Smock" 0 Shaun 9878 28/10/2014 22:46:34
Shaun [Latest Reply]
Smatchette knife 3 GrahamCooper 11617 22/12/2013 07:55:26
Macdonald [Latest Reply]
"B2" type Commando Knife belonging to Hugh Maines of No1 Commando.
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16 Andy Maines 110894 22/12/2013 07:47:08
Macdonald [Latest Reply]
2nd Pattern Beaded & Ribbed FS Fighting Knife information request 3 W Goodman 10187 12/08/2013 18:06:52
Kevin [Latest Reply]
Commando transport 1 John Forsey 9937 13/02/2013 19:21:39
Belly [Latest Reply]
Wilkinson Sword 2nd pattern FS knife aution on ebay. 2 Andy Maines 10828 02/07/2012 15:24:59
Andy Maines [Latest Reply]
The meaning / significance of code numbers stamped on 1st pattern FS Knives.
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22 Andy Maines 31475 27/03/2012 10:10:15
JB [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Vintage folbot (foldboat) 6 geoffmurray1 40706 12/07/2011 20:01:44
Belly [Latest Reply]
New site Dealing with Wilkinson FS Knives 3 Andy Maines 11496 11/06/2011 18:24:57
Roy [Latest Reply]
Thompson Machine gun 8 hockhamlain 21188 27/03/2011 17:28:13
John Martin [Latest Reply]
F-S knives 9 rvr 11914 06/01/2011 12:16:13
Stephen Donnison [Latest Reply]
Vickers K-Gun 5 Bulo 16553 02/10/2010 18:46:15
NIC [Latest Reply]
Vickers machine guns 2 NIC 91387 19/04/2009 13:36:13
Pete [Latest Reply]
[Clip] FS Knife with 3" guard 1 Macdonald 91182 08/02/2009 18:07:55
Macdonald [Latest Reply]
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