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Forum Index » Wartime Commando Operations and Raids [XML]
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2 Cdo in Albania 8 Belly 19103 22/01/2025 13:29:38
JMB [Latest Reply]
Dieppe Raid Certificates - No.3 and No.4 Commando 12 Pete 62891 16/08/2023 19:44:04
Pete [Latest Reply]
14/15 July 1943 1 Pete 20868 19/07/2023 16:51:31
Pete [Latest Reply]
Operation Premium, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 27 February 1944 0 Pete 19662 27/02/2023 13:14:01
Pete [Latest Reply]
Operation Chess 5 Ben_3469 8570 24/11/2022 15:07:27
Eileen [Latest Reply]
11.8.45 1 Troop 5 Commando - Victory Day 1 veegeebee 7180 19/11/2022 18:11:01
Pete [Latest Reply]
Operation Musketoon - 20th September 1942 ( executions took place on 23rd October 1942)
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23 Pete 40942 22/10/2022 11:43:38
Bob Bishop [Latest Reply]
Operation Anklet 2 Ian Mollins 14061 17/05/2022 17:56:46
Ian Mollins [Latest Reply]
Operation Brazzard - Nazi flag disposition 0 [email protected] 9441 06/01/2022 11:00:04
Eileen [Latest Reply]
Operation Chariot - St Nazaire Raid 1942
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15 NIC 101304 06/01/2022 11:00:04
Eileen [Latest Reply]
Operation Deepcut/Chopper..76 Years ago tonight. 1 JSelman 13810 06/08/2021 17:52:45
pwogel [Latest Reply]
Dieppe - 19 August 1942 - No 4 Commando 11 geoffmurray1 106902 18/12/2020 13:00:08
Pete [Latest Reply]
Participation or campaign ribbon wards for US rangers at Dieppe 2 Mir 8598 18/11/2020 03:06:40
Mir [Latest Reply]
Raid ushant Island ( Ouessant ) 3/4 sept 1943. Cod 12 and US rangers . 5 Mellaza 9310 22/08/2020 17:06:37
Mellaza [Latest Reply]
First raid by parachute. Commando12 . Sept 1943 . 2 Mellaza 9291 25/06/2020 18:35:35
Mellaza [Latest Reply]
Artillery support to 1 Commando Brigade - 1945 7 geoffmurray1 17539 17/06/2020 15:49:05
John L Dixon [Latest Reply]
Akyab Island 3 BillP 9342 04/01/2020 10:14:52
Kevin [Latest Reply]
The Liberation of Walcheren 4 NIC 91362 19/08/2019 16:38:12
Bill Harvey [Latest Reply]
Operation Infatuate at Walcheren 72 years ago this week (2016) 3 Pete 10561 15/08/2019 23:53:34
Pete [Latest Reply]
Commando Ops/Events for the month of April 0 Pete 11433 12/04/2019 16:24:35
Pete [Latest Reply]
Commando operations in North Africa in 1941 1 bluey 9659 06/03/2019 17:55:10
NIC [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Communications Equipment 3 Antoine A. 11244 02/12/2018 21:17:05
Antoine A. [Latest Reply]
Commando operations at Bell Island (Osen)The Netherlands 1945 1 Pete 10169 09/10/2018 23:07:19
Pete [Latest Reply]
Op. Abercrombie 18-22/4/42 No.4 Commando
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32 Phil Eyden 35055 29/08/2018 11:30:36
Pete [Latest Reply]
Vaagso Maps 6 Cardophillipo 12232 06/08/2018 11:33:43
Pete [Latest Reply]
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