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Forum Index » Wartime Commando Nominal Rolls [XML]
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Re:Updated & Revised Nominal Rolls
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64 NIC 155286 26/01/2024 05:41:52
Alan Orton [Latest Reply]
No.9 Commando 14 NIC 24664 02/08/2021 15:44:30
John Davidson [Latest Reply]
My Father's service number and any info anyone might have 6 Dave Winchester 10011 02/08/2021 15:44:30
John Davidson [Latest Reply]
No. 3 Commando rolls - missing name?? 5 DPugh 10220 09/10/2020 18:03:32
DPugh [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Sergeant Francis Sullivan, RM 0 fbl 9273 25/07/2019 16:17:07
fbl [Latest Reply]
RM Missing in the Netherlands 1944-1945 4 Philip 12509 23/07/2017 14:24:30
Jeff H [Latest Reply]
7018924 RFN Maginnis S 10 ASR142 20728 26/06/2016 23:09:48
ASR142 [Latest Reply]
Roll of Honour 3 GrahamCooper 11006 26/06/2015 23:30:58
Pete [Latest Reply]
RoH 40 RM Cammando 0 GrahamCooper 9715 26/06/2015 18:13:55
GrahamCooper [Latest Reply]
RoH Cdo Bde and Trainining 3 GrahamCooper 11424 26/06/2015 14:42:35
GrahamCooper [Latest Reply]
Commando Roll of Honour
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15 GrahamCooper 21554 25/06/2015 01:18:40
GrahamCooper [Latest Reply]
10 IA Cdo Roll of Honour 7 GrahamCooper 11205 17/06/2015 16:25:52
GrahamCooper [Latest Reply]
10 Commando 6 vicaboudara 11855 17/06/2015 15:47:56
Pete [Latest Reply]
No 2 Commando Roll of Honour 6 GrahamCooper 11588 12/06/2015 22:51:21
Pete [Latest Reply]
Rolls of Honour & They also served Rolls Progress
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30 John M 112477 25/05/2015 20:40:52
GrahamCooper [Latest Reply]
12 Cdo Roll of Honour 2 GrahamCooper 10557 13/01/2014 21:19:14
Pete [Latest Reply]
No 4 Commando nominal roll 0 Bill Harvey 11562 25/12/2013 14:38:19
Bill Harvey [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Commando Association Lost Legion Lists 8 Pete 13031 29/09/2012 23:40:35
NIC [Latest Reply]
The original No.2 Commando later 11 Special Air Service Bn 1 Pete 10873 21/09/2012 18:30:37
GrahamCooper [Latest Reply]
48RM Commando Association Nominal Roll c.1980 1 Pete 11290 30/08/2012 22:56:40
Pete [Latest Reply]
No 1 Cdo 4 Troop Signatures Ahmednager India 1945 1 John M 11325 07/05/2012 12:30:22
Pete [Latest Reply]
G Troop 4 Cdo Lofoten Raid Signatures 2 John M 10925 07/05/2012 12:19:26
John M [Latest Reply]
CWGC Records updates 8 NIC 90650 20/01/2012 22:00:58
geoffmurray1 [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Names taken from The Third Jungle Book Issue No.8 Sep 1945 for 42 RM Commando. 1 Andy Maines 49725 02/01/2010 14:28:09
Andy Maines [Latest Reply]
[Clip] X Troop 10 (IA) Commando Nominal Roll 1 John M 10988 26/11/2009 21:49:30
John M [Latest Reply]
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