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Forum Index » Wartime Army Commando Units [XML]
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No3 Cdo War Diaries June 1944 3 NIC 13250 30/09/2014 18:45:09
Sam North [Latest Reply]
[Clip] No3 Cdo Replacements July 1944 0 NIC 11728 06/09/2013 13:07:38
NIC [Latest Reply]
HQ 1 SS Brigade War Diaries June - Sept 44 2 NIC 12787 17/04/2012 19:16:33
Pete [Latest Reply]
Volunteers for Special Service - No5 Commando - July 1940 2 NIC 12917 12/04/2012 09:26:25
Julie W [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Commando Order of Battle 0 NIC 11999 07/02/2012 00:17:01
NIC [Latest Reply]
[Clip] War Establishments 1942 (b) 1 NIC 12498 30/12/2010 16:32:00
NIC [Latest Reply]
[Clip] War Establishments 1940-41 (b) 1 NIC 17239 30/12/2010 16:30:36
NIC [Latest Reply]
[Clip] War Establishments 1943 -1945 1 NIC 13575 30/12/2010 15:07:35
NIC [Latest Reply]
[Clip] War Establishments 1942 (a) 1 NIC 12697 30/12/2010 15:04:24
NIC [Latest Reply]
[Clip] War Establishments 1940 - 41(a) 1 NIC 12289 30/12/2010 14:51:12
NIC [Latest Reply]
A résumé of the wartime Army Commandos by Brig Peter Young DSO MC 1 geoffmurray1 12814 23/12/2009 18:40:09
geoffmurray1 [Latest Reply]
Himara - Operation Healing029 July 1944 5 RonSG 56453 12/07/2024 21:27:51
NIC [Latest Reply]
3 Commando Dieppe Yellow Beach II 11 GUY 38684 16/06/2024 14:49:33
Pete [Latest Reply]
No record for Frederick Arthur Sillett but on photo and in 8 Commando 6 Zayley Marles 9912 03/12/2022 18:56:23
GUY [Latest Reply]
11 commando 4 Ged Griffin 13561 05/11/2022 06:27:00
Alan Orton [Latest Reply]
No 1 Commando 1 John Gillies 10296 30/10/2022 11:25:00
Pete [Latest Reply]
183 Squadron Royal Marines 2 Chris Heaton 26931 06/07/2022 20:06:31
Chris Heaton [Latest Reply]
10 Commando (Polish) 5 Kegbuster44 17914 15/04/2022 21:22:58
Pete [Latest Reply]
[Clip] No.10IA Commando - X Troop 3 Pete 90760 13/04/2022 13:25:04
Ander [Latest Reply]
better photo of 2 cdo 4 troop at Lockerbie school 1941 1 E Milner 12635 17/01/2022 21:30:53
Pete [Latest Reply]
2nd Special Service Detachment (SSD2)
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
24 NIC 203063 08/09/2021 08:37:42
Little John [Latest Reply]
Identification needed for these two from the Italian campain 3 arcticfox042 11400 08/09/2021 08:37:42
Little John [Latest Reply]
No. 4 Commando - seeking advice please 4 DPugh 10175 27/03/2021 21:33:24
Johnefc [Latest Reply]
Where and when - No.1 Commando troop photo 8 Pete 14279 27/03/2021 21:33:24
Johnefc [Latest Reply]
No 4 Commandos WW2 9 bethemy 13245 23/02/2021 12:41:24
Pete [Latest Reply]
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