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Sgt Victor John Cox 12 Commando roll of honour + Operation Checkmate  XML
Forum Index » We Will Remember Them
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Joined: 25/03/2012 20:29:54
Messages: 1

N Baldwin wrote:Hello gents,

My name is Nigel Baldwin and Alfred Roe was my maternal Grandfather, I am the son of his youngest daughter Doreen, who unfortunately died at a young age and as a consequence I was raised by Alfreds widow Dorothy ( a great woman, also sadly no longer with us) It wasn't until very recently that I found out about my Grandfather, and his colleagues, brave exploits, as my grandmother was given very sketchy information at the time (in hindsight, for fairly obvious reasons) Most of my information so far has come from the book Godwins Saga, with some additional research carried out by a cousin, who is the son of his other daughter Grace.

I have sent a personal message to try and contact his great nephew Lawrence Roe, but in case he doesn't pick up the message if anyone has direct contact with Lawrence I would be obliged if they could advise him that I am trying to contact him and that he can get in touch with me via this web site.

I can assure you, and he, that my reasons are purely out of an interest in trying to find out a little more about my Grandfather and his life before the services if at all possible.

Many thanks


Hi Nigel,

I am also related to Alfred John Roe, my grandmother was his sister and she is still alive and would love to talk to you. Please contact me

Forum Member

Joined: 15/08/2012 18:09:55
Messages: 5

Hello My name is Odd Jakob Haaland , and i am from Kopervik, Norway !!

I have a picture after Operation Checkmate !!! Here is a picture of the german mine sweeper, M 5207 at the bottom of the harbor in Kopervik. You can see the bow is ower the waterline !!
I hope this is helpful ( sorry for my English writhing )

I do not know why the operation is named "Operation Checkmate Haugesund. The Opreration was performed in a city named Kopervik.
After captured they were sent to Haugesund for interrogation

Best Regards Odd jakob haaland
[Thumb - Sabotasje mot båt 1943.jpg]
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Forum Member

Joined: 15/08/2012 18:09:55
Messages: 5

Operation Checkmate !!! Here is a picture of the german mine sweeper, M 5207 at the bottom of the harbor in Kopervik
[Thumb - Kopervik Havn 1943 - Kopi.jpg]
 Filename Kopervik Havn 1943 - Kopi.jpg [Disk] Download
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CVA Website Archivist

Joined: 23/09/2008 00:08:02
Messages: 4673

Hi and thank you for the pictures which I will add to the Operation Checkmate album in our gallery in due course. You are right of course about Haugesund. I am not certain why it was included in the title of the album but I have now amended it. Thanks for pointing it out.



Pete Rogers, son of LSgt Joe Rogers MM & nephew of TSM Ken McAllister. Both No2 Commando.
God and the Soldier, all men adore, In time of danger and not before.
When the danger is passed and all things righted, God is forgotten, and the Soldier slighted.

**** nb. I no longer monitor the pm facility ****
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Joined: 15/08/2012 18:09:55
Messages: 5

Image taken by a German soldier! And the image is purchased on German Ebay

A fascinating and tragic history from ww2. it is nice if you can use the picture :-))))

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Joined: 15/08/2012 18:09:55
Messages: 5

Here's another picture of the German mine sweeper, M 5207 in Kopervik. On the right side of the picture

[Thumb - 2 - Kopi.jpg]
 Filename 2 - Kopi.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description German mine sweeper, M 5207
 Filesize 3286 Kbytes
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Forum Member

Joined: 15/08/2012 18:09:55
Messages: 5

Hello. Here is a picture of K.Kapt Jung to the left who stood for interrogation of Sub-Lieutenant John Godwin. photo is taken in Haugesund and from own collection. Image is for free use. There is another picture that shows . K.Kapt Jung and Sub-Lieutenant John Godwin in this post
Best regards Odd Jakob Haaland
[Thumb - K.Kapt. Jung 3.41 - 2.45.jpg]
 Filename K.Kapt. Jung 3.41 - 2.45.jpg [Disk] Download
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Joined: 15/08/2012 18:09:55
Messages: 5

K.Kapt Jung and Sub-Lieutenant John Godwin
[Thumb - K.Kapt. Jung 3.41 - 2.45-1.jpg]
 Filename K.Kapt. Jung 3.41 - 2.45-1.jpg [Disk] Download
 Filesize 842 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  313 time(s)

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