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Forum Index » We Will Remember Them [XML]
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WO1 Hubert Faure No.10 Commando 1 Troop (French) 0 Pete 1627 27/04/2021 15:51:47
Pete [Latest Reply]
Anzac Day 25th April 4 Pete 2991 25/04/2021 10:18:42
Pete [Latest Reply]
Remembering Bdr. Albert Hinde No.4 Commando who died 80 years ago this week 0 Pete 1587 23/04/2021 23:58:14
Pete [Latest Reply]
HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 2 Pete 2349 17/04/2021 15:59:53
Pete [Latest Reply]
Colonel Michael John Reece OBE, RM 0 Pete 1784 30/03/2021 09:55:48
Pete [Latest Reply]
[Clip] James Edgar, No.62 Cdo & SSRF 0 NIC 2010 27/03/2021 11:34:13
NIC [Latest Reply]
Remembering those who died in the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter crash 0 Pete 1465 20/03/2021 20:22:39
Pete [Latest Reply]
Major Geoffrey Langlands CMG, MBE, former TSM in No. 4 Commando 2 Pete 2954 26/02/2021 09:13:05
John M [Latest Reply]
Brigadier Jack Thomas CBE, former Association President 4 Pete 2451 17/02/2021 21:43:59
John Martin [Latest Reply]
Remembering QMS Alfred Wheeler and Marine Benet Blakeway who died 65 years ago this week in Cyprus 0 Pete 1203 08/02/2021 17:19:10
Pete [Latest Reply]
Vera Bartholemew 4 NIC 2170 06/02/2021 11:30:11
John M [Latest Reply]
Captain Jack Stormont Bare (No.2 Cdo) who died 77 years ago this week 0 Pete 1000 05/02/2021 20:14:16
Pete [Latest Reply]
No 4 Commando Major Alan Dudley Coote Rtd 1 Bill Harvey 1452 24/01/2021 17:57:23
Pete [Latest Reply]
Capt. Alan John Davies No.1 Commando 2 Pete 1753 27/12/2020 13:56:10
NIC [Latest Reply]
Obituaries 0 Pete 1183 21/12/2020 17:23:49
Pete [Latest Reply]
Private Alfred Brooking No.4 and 6 Commandos 1 Pete 1289 19/12/2020 10:27:12
Eileen [Latest Reply]
Pam Winch 3 Pete 2914 07/12/2020 16:23:35
John M [Latest Reply]
Remembering the 24 young RM Cadets who died in the Gillingham bus disaster 4 Pete 4024 04/12/2020 13:33:08
Pete [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Private John Henry Knight No.4 Commando 1 Pete 1538 13/11/2020 17:30:09
Pete [Latest Reply]
Len Taylor recent passing 6 martintaylor 2269 06/11/2020 14:41:37
Pete [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Joe Spicer No 4 Commando 1 Bill Harvey 1879 29/10/2020 11:46:38
Pete [Latest Reply]
Charlie Spuffard No.5 Commando 3 Pete 1889 13/10/2020 22:28:08
Bob Bishop [Latest Reply]
[Clip] C/Sgt. Frederick Snowden, 3 Commando Brigade RM 0 Pete 1103 03/10/2020 19:27:10
Pete [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Charles Cyril Stacey No.3 Commando 0 Pete 1313 25/09/2020 15:08:13
Pete [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Robert Ryder 43RM Commando 0 Pete 1670 20/07/2020 16:23:39
Pete [Latest Reply]
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